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Entering and Exiting: A Door Blog

Do you love solid wood doors, hallow-core doors, French doors, screen doors, security doors, garage doors or any other type of door? If you said yes, we have that in common. Hello. My name is Pat, and I take doors seriously. Whether I'm hanging a bedroom door for my kids, buying new doors for my rental properties or advising a real estate client on new doors, I take the task seriously, and I spend a lot of time researching. After years reading about and testing multiple types of doors, I have decided to share my wealth of knowledge. Please explore, and I hope you like what you find.


Entering and Exiting: A Door Blog

3 Things You Can Do To Make Your Home Even Safer

by Brad Barnes

​Home security is a big concern for all homeowners. Everyone wants to live in a place where they feel safe, for their sake and that of their family. That said, anything that can improve the current level of security for a home is always welcome to a homeowner. If you are in such a situation and would like to make your home safer than it currently is, here are some ideas on a few things you could do towards that goal.

Get an alarm system

Alarm systems have been around for some time now. However, they keep getting more sophisticated with time. Today, alarm systems can monitor your doors, windows, and internal spaces for unwanted movements. They can also monitor your home for other non-burglar security risks such as fire, humidity, carbon monoxide, and even flooding. These systems can either be wired or wireless. You also get to choose how many monitors you want in each bundle. Once installed, you can even monitor your home remotely via phone or computer depending on the system you have. And for even better cover, get a monitored alarm system so that when a threat is detected, a security team can come to your house to check it out.

Install automatic garage doors

Garage doors are the largest entry points for any house. They also store what is easily the most expensive asset in any home – the car or cars. Making your garage door safe goes a long way in making your entire home safer as well. This can be done by automating your garage door if you haven't done so already. Automating your garage door means a motorized opener is installed as opposed to using lock and key. With this system, you can open or lock your garage door remotely by the push of a button. Unlike locks that can be broken into, automated doors are more secure because they work almost like an alarm system.

Install a security door

Another effective way to make your home safer is to install a security door. This is a secondary door that is installed over your existing door. Unlike your current door, security doors are designed to be burglar proof. This is made possible by use of marine grade steel or aluminum metals or mesh. They also feature multiple locking points, welded hinges, and a barrage of other patented features that make them nearly impossible to get past. In addition to security doors, you can also install security window screens to prevent window break-ins as well.

Any of the above three, or a combination of all, can go a long way in making your home safer from burglars and other threats. Then you can go about your normal duties knowing that your most prized possessions are in good hands.
